Wednesday 7 May 2014


"Get ready for the Buddha Cannonball!"
I have recently been walking a spiritual path and boy, are my arms tired.

Not everyone will endeavour to complete their spiritual journey while walking on their hands, but I figured having all the blood rush to my head would expedite my spiritual awakening. What has taken others a lifetime to achieve, I managed to pull off in just under an hour.

I first got the idea to wake up spiritually when my friend, Sir Lohengrin, decided to embark on his spiritual journey. I thought to myself, I can go deeper and farther than he can and in a much shorter space of time.

This spiritual one-upmanship has now become part of both our journeys, and I don't mean to brag - but, I'm pretty sure I'm winning.

Sir Lohengrin is on a quest for true love- BORING!

My quest is for fame, riches and power through spiritual fulfillment, which totally trumps true love because that is HOW you find true love (plus get all those other things). Cha-ching!

I have been dressing appropriately for my journey by wearing yoga pants on a daily basis. I wear them to work, to shop, to play and even to bed. Lohengrin has pointed out that I use them for everything but yoga.

All I know is that I will be ready to participate in a yoga flash mob while he'll be left standing on the sidelines, questioning whether or not he should join in because he's not wearing yoga pants.

This is a huge part of spiritual journeys in general - knowing when NOT to take action! My friend struggles with this. I play it safe and do nothing all the time. I am a natural.

Despite our divergent paths, it is nice to have someone to bounce things off; if only to see how much farther ahead I am than my spiritual companion.

We often support each other with quotes from the Tao or Zen practitioners. I will see his Lao and raise him a Tolle. He'll counter with a Bach and then I blow the whole thing out of the water with a Buddha cannonball, leaving him drowning in my words of wisdom.

At this point, all I can do is wish him well on his spiritual path... of course I'll need to get a megaphone so he can hear me!

Namaste Lohengrin :) Oh, and eat my dust....

Recommended Reading and Listening: Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (book by Richard Bach; read by Richard Harris a.k.a Dumbledore)

Bonus Recommended Listening: Be - Neil Diamond

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