Wednesday, 19 June 2013


I believe the old adage, I think, therefore I am, should be replaced with, I write, therefore I am. The act of thinking merely proves that you can think, not that you do think.
Trust me, I'm a genius.

The act of writing leaves nothing to the imagination.  It is tantamount to facing one's own intelligence, or lack of it, as the case may be, head on.

Consider Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  Once he transcribed that he was hailed as a genius because we had a tangible means of proving it.  

He took a risk and wrote down E=MC2.  But it might have gone the other way.  What if instead of writing E=MC2 he wrote E=MC Hammer?  

Then we would all have the right to say, "Hey Einstein! You're an idiot and we can prove it."

Mind you he might have carved out a nice niche for himself as the first white rapper - I guess it's all relative.

Just remember, until you have written something down nobody can say for sure whether you're an idiot or not. They may highly suspect that you are but without that piece of paper what proof do they have?

I write, therefore I am. Now there's an adage to think about.

Recommended Reading: A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking

Recommended Viewing: Arrested Development (Seasons 1 & 2)

Recommended Listening: Car Wash Blues by Jim Croce

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